Supporting Schools

I provide three areas of support for schools/colleges:

  • Health & wellbeing lectures/workshops for Year 10-13 students

  • Education & support for staff relating to health & wellbeing

  • Consultancy services for school leadership teams.

Supporting Leadership Teams

I offer advisory/consultancy support for the SLT by reviewing & advising on strategies and processes relating to health & wellbeing for students and staff

I am able to create bespoke packages involving consultancy services alongside sessions for students and support for staff - please contact me to discuss this further.

Supporting Students

I believe that every young person should leave school with the knowledge and confidence to be able to manage their own health & wellbeing and to know when/how to seek help.

My aim is to work with schools/colleges to create healthier, happier, brighter futures for our young people.

I provide:

  • Educational lectures/workshops delivered in person or virtually covering a range of health & wellbeing related topics

  • Coaching/mentoring for students in Years 11-13 to support with specific concerns regarding health & wellbeing. These sessions can be 1:1 or with a parent and may be particularly helpful in getting to grips with a new physical or mental health diagnosis.

Supporting teachers

As an educator myself, I am acutely aware of the challenges facing teachers in our schools and colleges today. Whilst teaching is, as it always has been, an incredibly rewarding and fulfilling profession, the pressures upon teachers are ever growing and this is impacting on recruitment and retention as well as having a damaging impact on teachers’ health. Students are increasingly turning to their teachers for support with their own health & wellbeing now that community and NHS services have been cut and waiting lists are ever increasing. I support teachers in two ways:

  1. Training sessions to enhance teachers’ knowledge & confidence in supporting students who are experiencing health & wellbeing difficulties.

  2. Support with regards to teachers’ own health & wellbeing via 1:1 coaching/mentoring as well as workshops on key topics.