
I have been a doctor for 18 years and a fully qualified General Practitioner (GP) for over a decade. 

I am passionate about supporting health & wellbeing through teaching, mentoring, coaching and consultancy as well as through the practice of medicine.


  • Coach & Mentor

    Coaching & mentoring to support career development, managing transitions and optimising work-life balance. Specialising in supporting those in the health & education sectors.

  • Education Sector Support

    Collaborating with schools/colleges to support students, teachers and school management teams with & health & wellbeing issues. Training and workshop sessions for staff & students as well as consultancy & 1:1 support.

  • Consultancy Services

    Nearly two decades of NHS clinical experience including a variety of leadership roles. Flexible consultancy services for both the public and the private sectors. Areas of interest include adolescent health, mental health & cancer care as well as healthcare innovation.